09 (September 2013)

Galatians for you

Galatians for you
Michael Bentley Michael, aged 76, is a retired Baptist minister, chairman of the Bracknell Forest Society and author of 16 books.
31 August, 2013 1 min read

Galatians for you
Timothy Keller
Good Book Company
208 pages, £8.49
ISBN: 978-1-90876-234-4
Star rating : 5

Ever since I first heard Timothy Keller speak in the mid-1990s at a Baptist church in Guildford, I have been struck by his ability to explain and apply God’s Word in clear and powerful terms.

This is the first in a series being published by the Good Book Company under the banner ‘[name of bible book] for you’. The series aims to be Bible centred, Christ glorifying, relevantly applied and easily readable.

The author says, ‘The book of Galatians is dynamite. It is an explosion of joy and freedom which leaves us enjoying a deep significance, security and satisfaction — the life of blessing God calls his people into’ (p. 9).

Although writing simply, Dr Keller does not avoid difficult or often misunderstood subjects; and, although the book can be read straight through, its division into many short sections gives the reader opportunities to pause and consider the great truths of Scripture.

The author has an appealing way of drawing all kinds of people into the text of Galatians. He goes into great detail about the central topics of the letter and asks: ‘If we are free from the law, do I have any obligation to keep God’s law, and why?’ (p.77).

In dealing with Galatians 4:21-31, he speaks about four types of people who have different attitudes to God’s law (pp. 117-118).

Particularly helpful for new Christians is a seven-page glossary, ranging from ‘Abraham’ and ‘Alienated’ through ‘Mosaic law’, ‘Speaking in tongues’, ‘Works righteousness’ and ‘Zealous’. There is also a helpful appendix on ‘Works of righteousness’ (pp. 195-7).

This book can be given to anyone — those not yet believers, those young in the faith and those who have walked the Christian pathway for many years. I thoroughly recommend it.

Michael Bentley

Michael, aged 76, is a retired Baptist minister, chairman of the Bracknell Forest Society and author of 16 books.
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