03 (March 2015)

George Műller

George Műller
Wendy Evers
01 March, 2015 1 min read

This is a further addition to the excellent ‘Bitesize Biographies’ series and a good introduction to George Műller.

The later years of Műller’s life are well known to many through his work with orphans in Bristol. However, many will be less familiar with his early days in Germany. There he lived a wayward life prior to becoming a Christian.

He journeyed to England in 1829 and offered himself as a missionary to the Jews. God had other plans and, through illness, Műller travelled to Devon where he later commenced preaching.

Műller is known for his faithful dependence upon God for daily provision. The biographer highlights this in Műller’s initial Devon days and early married life. She also quotes the following from his journal: ‘It ill becomes a servant to seek to be rich, and great and honoured in the world, when his Lord was poor, and mean and despised’ (p.36).

That Műller was a man of prayer is clearly evident from his life in England. Throughout this book, the biographer relates his prayerful life and constant petitioning to the Lord for daily needs. The reader is constantly challenged by the life of faith and the power of prayer.

When Műller finally arrives in Bristol and commences his work among orphans, the reader is again challenged by the fruits of vision and prayer. The humility of Műller and his wife is also thought-provoking.

Joan Ripley Smith writes in a clear fashion and there is a good introductory paragraph to each chapter, stirring interest for what follows. Though not long, the chapters are packed with information and portray the grace and faithfulness of God.

Műller’s final years are explored and the final chapter addresses his legacy. His life was one in which God was given the glory and it deserves to be retold to this generation. By being short, it is hoped that many who do not normally read biographies will buy this and have their appetites whetted to read more about this saint of the nineteenth century.

Wendy Sheehan


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