Glory Days: Living the whole of your life for Jesus

Glory Days: Living the whole of your life for Jesus
Glory Days
Gary Aston Gary is one of the Pastors at Redeemer church Leeds where he moved to plant in 2010. Prior to that Gary served in a number of different churches around the UK.
01 August, 2007 1 min read

Christians often split their lives into two clear and distinct sections – the secular and the sacred. The sacred is whatever pertains to their faith (church, Bible reading, prayer etc.) while the secular takes up everything else (work, leisure etc.). As a result, the sacred days are (to use Hardyman’s term) ‘glory days’ while the rest are merely necessary, if somewhat less valuable.Many Christians consider that this division is good, right and biblical. Hardyman, however, does not. The purpose of Glory days is to correct the belief that God is only interested in what we do on Sunday – and to show, rather, how God intends all our days, even the ordinary ones, to be glory days.The book has two sections – the first lays a biblical foundation which the second seeks to work out in terms of practical application.Hardyman’s biblical basis is compelling, and he convincingly argues that human culture is a fallen but inherently God-given enterprise. Therefore, everything from work to leisure is part of our great calling to bring glory to God.The second section is a clear extrapolation of the biblical principles, with particularly helpful chapters on work, the arts, and enjoying God’s gifts. If you want to read more, Hardyman makes plenty of suggestions.I have to say that I love this book. I love it because it is accessible, empowering and Christ-exalting. I love it because – in a church climate that too often over-simplifies the issues – it restores a God-centredness to every aspect of our lives. It restores nobility to our human condition and provides a transforming vision for Christians in the world.

Gary is one of the Pastors at Redeemer church Leeds where he moved to plant in 2010. Prior to that Gary served in a number of different churches around the UK.
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