
God’s image: two in one; two become one

God’s image: two in one; two become one
Dr A Craig Troxel
11 March, 2025 8 min read

This article was first published in Tabletalk, the Bible study magazine of Ligonier Ministries. Find out more at or try it free for three months today at

What do you think of when you hear the word hybrid? For those looking to replace their current gas-guzzler, a hybrid car probably comes to mind. Those who were students a few years ago remember the frustrations of hybrid learning, seeing some friends in person and others online. Any farmer reading this article remembers that most of the corn planted now is a hybrid grain.

But the most important example of a hybrid that you should consider is you. You are a hybrid.

You are a combination of body and soul, made of what is visible and invisible. You reconcile earth and heaven in yourself, sharing a kinship with both animals and angels. And yet none of the animal kingdom nor any of the heavenly hosts can lay claim to being both.

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