Church news

Grace Baptist Assembly asks, how can churches support families in educating their children?

Grace Baptist Assembly asks, how can churches support families in educating their children?
Alun Ebenezer
ET staff writer
ET staff writer
29 July, 2024 2 min read

With a national education system increasingly at odds with biblical values, what should Christian parents do about the schooling of their children, and how should churches support them?

That was the question being discussed by speakers and delegates at this year’s Grace Baptist Assembly, held from 20 to 22 May at Swanwick in Derbyshire.

For those who have thought long and hard about these issues over several years, the Assembly may have barely scratched the surface. But for those who have just woken up to the issues, it would have been a very helpful introduction.

Alun Ebenezer was for many the highlight of the Assembly. He is the founding headteacher of the Fulham Boys School, a free school with a Christian ethos.

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