Hallelujah! Exploring and enjoying the Old Testament benedictions

Hallelujah! Exploring and enjoying the Old Testament benedictions
Grahame Wray Grahame is pastor at Christ Church Free Church of England, Leeds
19 January, 2021 1 min read

This delightful devotional study takes us on a walk through the Old Testament benedictions, from the earliest days when men began to call upon the name of the Lord.

Historical insights are given to help readers understand better what prompted such outbursts of praise. By the time we have worked through from Moses to Habakkuk, including five sections on the book of Psalms, we have been given a deep insight into the very heart of God, and shown why it was that men penned these remarkable hymns of praise – and why we ought to too.

Most especially, Evers helps prompt similar praise from modern day saints as he shows that the experiences of the saints of old dimly foreshadowed and anticipated the mighty salvation only fully to be found in the gospel of the Lord Jesus. The book therefore calls believers and nonbelievers alike to a walk with God that will inevitably be taken up with a like spontaneous love, wonder, and praise.

Sometimes the style is a little shotgun, in the sense that we can be whisked off down a rabbit hole which leaves us scratching our heads as to where this nugget of truth came from in this or that particular benediction. But such license is surely permissible when it is God’s infinite beauty and majesty we are trying to extol.

As we are reminded from the exhortation in Psalm 150:2, ‘our praise, while on earth, is always inadequate’. But this book helps take us that bit deeper into worship that is truly in spirit and in truth!

Grahame Wray


Grahame is pastor at Christ Church Free Church of England, Leeds
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