HELP! Living in a fallen world

HELP! Living in a fallen world
Austin Walker
Austin Walker Austin is the retired pastor of Maidenbower Baptist Church, Crawley. He is currently a member of Castlefields Church, Derby and an occasional preacher.
31 August, 2011 1 min read

This new series of pocket-sized booklets began to appear last year and there are currently sixteen titles available. All of them have been produced by different men and women who are well-qualified and experienced in their field and in some cases they are writing from personal experience. Some are pastors, many others are Christian counsellors.

As the titles suggest these booklets deal with a variety of issues covering specific sins such as pornography, slavery to food, and laziness; issues dealing with the sins of others, for example, an unfaithful spouse, teenage rebellion, abuse; issues dealing with problems like incurring debt and dating; and, finally facing crises such as cancer, the loss of a baby, or being a single mother.

Each booklet follows a similar format. If sin is involved then it is clearly identified and the reader is called to repentance. The principles that are explained and the practice of righteousness that is commended are sane, well-balanced, faithful to Scripture, and yet encouraging, aiming to point the individual to forsake sin and to walk in God’s ways. Tough questions are not avoided either in dealing with sin or in facing sin in the lives of others. Genuine help and sympathy comes from those who like Carol Trahan and Reggie Weems are writing from personal experience. Each booklet concludes with personal application projects and provides reliable websites, organisations, and books from which to obtain further help.

One commendable feature of these booklets is the fact that they do not assume all their readers are Christians. Each of them points the reader to Christ, and urges the reader to come to him in faith and repentance. If you intend to use one of these booklets to give to someone who is not yet a Christian make sure you read it yourself first so that you can respond helpfully to them once they have read it.

A warmly commended series of booklets.

Austin Walker,


Austin Walker
Austin is the retired pastor of Maidenbower Baptist Church, Crawley. He is currently a member of Castlefields Church, Derby and an occasional preacher.
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