
Honouring life and offering hope

Honouring life and offering hope
Peter Milsom
Peter Milsom An elder at St Mellons Baptist Church, Cardiff and Chairman of Associating Evangelical Churches of Wales.
08 November, 2024 2 min read

End of life care is being actively discussed in Britain today, especially what is known as ‘assisted dying’. The word euthanasia comes from two Greek words meaning ‘good death’. Every day doctors must make difficult decisions about whether to continue treatment or to withdraw artificial life-support measures knowing that it will mean the patient will pass away.

‘Assisted dying’ involves actually prescribing medication that will cause a person’s death. The key issue is intention. In most countries today, ‘assisted dying’ is a crime, although such actions are usually considered with sympathy and understanding. Death is a reality for us all. We all need help in facing our own mortality. We know that death is inescapable, and we want a good death.

Kimbilio Hospice

Kimbilio Hospice is a Christian hospice in Eldoret, Kenya. It describes itself as a ‘community of compassion that honours life and offers hope’. It provides treatment for pain and other symptoms; psychological, social, and spiritual support; physical therapy and counselling services for patients and family members.

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