04 (April 2015)

How do I kill remaining sin?

How do I kill remaining sin?
James Chittenden James is assistant to the pastor at Tollgate Evangelical Church in Redhill, Surrey.
31 March, 2015 1 min read

This short booklet (currently available as an ebook in the UK) is a serious and helpful introduction to the doctrine of mortification. Readable in under 30 minutes, it is yet full of good teaching and practical advice.

Geoffrey Thomas begins by clearly demonstrating from Scripture that the Christian has died to sin through the death of Christ and is no longer bound to obey the voice of the former master.

He then spends time reminding us to fight sin, for the Christian ‘has not died to the influence of sin, but has died to the dominion of sin’ (p.5). The ideas of perfectionism are exposed as being thoroughly unbiblical. To be reminded in this way that we are not alone in ongoing battles with sin is encouraging and humbling.

Towards the end of the book, the author briefly tackles three of the most common problems in society: drunkenness, adultery and pornography. He suggests ways to help fellow believers struggling with these issues, which could also be applied personally.

The book is rounded off with the challenge to keep looking to Jesus for help and strength. For it is by ‘trusting in Jesus with all your heart and living out of Him’ (p.26) whilst seeking to kill off sin, that we can have lives that glorify our Father in heaven.

This could be a helpful and timely aid to all believers, particularly young Christians.

James Chittenden


James is assistant to the pastor at Tollgate Evangelical Church in Redhill, Surrey.
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