How to Enjoy Your Bible: A simple, reliable, clear, substantial resource

How to Enjoy Your Bible: A simple, reliable, clear, substantial resource
How To Enjoy Your Bible
Andy Dalrymple
01 June, 2008 1 min read

This little book comes from a well-known and trusted author. First published in 1978, this is a revised edition. The title states the book’s purpose – to show readers ‘how to enjoy the Bible’. For Blanchard, reading the Bible ought to be a delight, as opposed to a duty.

He begins by addressing the Bible’s detractors, and goes on to present the unassailable evidence for its unique claims. But to really enjoy the Bible, you’ve got to understand not only what it is but how to use it.

Having provided much by way of background information and highlighted the various translations currently available, the issue of how the reader should approach Bible study is then addressed. This is the point in the book where Blanchard becomes very practical, with useful advice on the attitudes required if lasting benefit is to be derived.

A helpful overview of methods, ranging from ‘cover to cover’ to ‘one word only’ study, and everything in between, leaves one with no shortage of ideas on how to keep things fresh. Computer programs and interesting web sites are also included under this helpful umbrella of methods and means.

What an informative yet easy read this little volume is! John Blanchard gives us an invaluable resource that rightly honours the unique place the Bible occupies, while simultaneously providing simple tips as to how it can be enjoyed to the full. A wonderful companion to help you achieve the goal of delighting in the Word of God!

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