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Hungary: Pro-lifers oppose attempt to impose assisted suicide

Hungary: Pro-lifers oppose attempt to impose assisted suicide
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ET staff writer
ET staff writer
29 December, 2023 1 min read

Pro-lifers in Hungary are opposing a case at the European Court of Human Rights which could legalise assisted suicide in the eastern European nation.

Dániel Karsai, a Hungarian national suffering from a progressive neurodegenerative condition, has taken his case to Strasbourg seeking to overturn the laws against assisted suicide.

But pro-life advocacy groups say the laws must be upheld in line with the obligation under the European Convention on Human Rights (Article 2) to protect the right to life.

Pro-life lawyer Jean-Paul Van De Walle said, ‘While Mr Karsai’s condition demands our greatest compassion, we cannot abandon our essential human rights protections.

‘Hungary is bound under European and international human rights law to safeguard human life. The right to life is inviolable, underlying all other human rights. Conversely, there is no so-called “right to die”.’

He added, ‘Once we as a society open the doors to intentional killing, there is no logical stopping point.’

The Court, which granted this case priority, is expected to deliver its decision on an expedited timeline.

ET staff writer
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