I am …

I am …
Stephen Holland Stephen has been the pastor of Westhoughton Evangelical Church in the north west of England since February 2003. He is also the north of England 'Wycliffe Preacher' for the Protestant Truth Society.
30 April, 2012 2 min read

I am …

Iain D Campbell

Evangelical Press

128 pages, £5.99

ISBN: 978-0-85234-774-4

Star Rating: 3

Nothing is more important than the question of who Jesus is. We know from the four Gospel records that He divided opinion greatly amongst people of His own day. He still does today. Whilst many will have their own opinions about this man, Jesus, we must go beyond that and look at what He in fact said about Himself. This book begins with a reminder that of the four Gospel records, detailing the life, teaching, and sayings of Jesus, one is different, the Gospel of John. For example John records no parables and no accounts are given of exorcisms. Also, John chooses to use the word ‘signs’ instead of ‘miracles’ when referring to the supernatural acts of Christ. Another unique feature of John’s Gospel are the seven recorded ‘I AM’ sayings. The examination of these is the subject of this book.

What a man says about himself surely tells us much about his person. When Jesus was upon earth He made many astounding claims; none more so than these seven ‘I Am’ statements or sayings as they are now known. These sayings have their roots in the book of Exodus in the question regarding the name of the God of  Israel. God’s answer is ‘I AM THAT I AM.’  The most wonderful, and greatest blasphemy for that matter if not true, is that the Lord Jesus Christ claimed to be that very I AM! The words of John 8v58 should be memorised and imprinted upon the hearts and minds of every Christian – ‘Verily, Verily I say unto you, before Abraham was I AM.’

The author takes each of these sayings one at a time and presents us with a wonderful examination of each. This is not a commentary, but a warm and delightful walk through these seven I AM’s. It is a first rate introduction to them and ideal for the new believer and yet also refreshingly uplifting for the seasoned saint who has come to know the Great I AM of Scripture. It will benefit every Christian to meditate upon these sayings with this little book at hand.

Stephen Holland,


Stephen has been the pastor of Westhoughton Evangelical Church in the north west of England since February 2003. He is also the north of England 'Wycliffe Preacher' for the Protestant Truth Society.
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