
If Christianity Is So Good, Why Are Christians So Bad?

If Christianity Is So Good, Why Are Christians So Bad?
David Cooke
David Cooke David is the pastor at Banbury Evangelical Free Church
07 May, 2023 1 min read

Author: Mark Coppenger
Publisher: Christian Focus
192 pages
Purchase from: Eden Books (£8.99)

It is not only unbelievers who are caused to stumble by the apparent disconnect that there sometimes is between the claims of Christianity and the lives of its followers. Christians are troubled by it too. In this accessible but thorough book, Mark Coppenger addresses this question. (The book is part of ‘The Big Ten’ series, answering critical questions in Christian apologetics.)

Coppenger begins by noting that the question itself contains the ‘complex question’ fallacy: to answer it implies an acknowledgement that its premise (Christians are ‘so bad’) is correct. Nevertheless, he makes the case that the difference between a Christian’s previous and current life should be obvious, before going on to give examples of ‘toxic Christianity’.

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