Jesus in Luke’s Gospel (Book 3)

Jesus in Luke’s Gospel (Book 3)
Jesus In Luke’s Gospel
Sarah Woollin Sarah lives with her husband, David, in Grand Rapids, Michigan.
01 January, 2008 1 min read

Jesus in Luke’s Gospelis one of a series of studies for children. In book three, Tim Shenton focuses on Luke chapters twelve to nineteen, splitting them into thirty helpful lessons.

Each lesson includes a reading from the relevant passage in Luke, and then picks out the main point of the passage and applies it to the children’s lives. He also includes action points, a memory verse to learn, questions to consider and prayer points relevant to the lesson.

This book would be ideal for children’s devotional times or Bible studies. It is also useful as a resource for Sunday school teachers, or children’s workers.

Depending on their ability and knowledge of the Bible, I would recommend this book for use with seven to sixteen year olds. Parents or study leaders could work through the lessons with the children or the youngsters could read them for themselves if they are older.

The layout of the book is simple and easy to understand. It has relevant, up-to-date illustrations that relate to young people today.

It is wonderful to see a book for children that helps them begin to study the Bible for themselves and encourages them to think about and apply spiritual truths to their lives.

Sarah lives with her husband, David, in Grand Rapids, Michigan.
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