Lagos update

ET staff writer
ET staff writer
01 November, 2011 1 min read


Lagos update

Despite a terrible fire earlier this year, the work of Sovereign Grace Bible Church,Lagos, is being blessed by God.

According to Pastor Tony Okoroh, the church has witnessed God directing an average of three new visitors each month to morning worship services over the past three months.

He said, ‘The need to move to a more spacious place is pressing. Because God has yet to provide the finances to do so, we are convicted to pray and plan for church plants instead.

‘We thank God for working in the hearts of some that have been attending our worship services for quite some time now. Five have applied for membership, three of whom want to be baptised’.

‘One of the pastors, Femi, has created a Facebook page called “The Berean’s corner”, where those who are genuinely seeking the truth can discuss doctrinal and Christian ethical issues’, Mr Okoroh said.

God has also blessed the Christ Pastors’ Seminary programme. When the 2010/2011 session ended in June, fourteen students completed the 18-month programme, with five more planning to continue in November, after the Lagos Bible Conference (planned to take place on 3-4 November 2011).

Mr Okoroh added: ‘We thank the Lord for the addition of two young ladies to our outreach Sunday school teaching team. We still have need of more teachers and minders. It has become necessary to split the classes of juniors and of pre-school children, which are presently too large for one teacher to manage.

‘Some local children had their homes and furniture destroyed by a heavy rain storm in July. One family of six squatted on the bare floor for one week, in an abandoned building, and the baby was sick. We were deeply moved by the cheerfulness of the three older children, members of our Sunday school.

‘The next day the children and their un-churched father came to a Sunday worship service for the first time and our members spontaneously contributed gifts of used clothing and small cash for them, before they moved away to another part of Lagos.

‘Please pray the Lord may preserve the Word in these children who were keen to know the Lord and hardly missed Sunday school’.

ET staff writer
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