LCF calls for abortion rally

ET staff writer
ET staff writer
01 November, 2007 1 min read

LCF calls for abortion rally

The Lawyers’ Christian Fellowship (LCF) called on Christians to rally outside the Houses of Parliament at the end of October in a show of opposition to abortion, on the 40th anniversary of the Abortion Act. The LCF said that this autumn the church was ‘facing one of the most critical moments in the fight against abortion’ since the Abortion Act was passed in October 1967.

‘This October, 40 years after the passing of the Abortion Act, Christians across the nation are standing up and being counted, refusing to be silent about the taking of innocent lives and the trauma that has been caused to women and families who have been affected by abortion,’ said the LCF.

A rally outside Parliament was planned for 2.00pm on 27 October to ‘demonstrate that the current situation is no longer acceptable. This is a chance for the church to show we are serious about making a difference, and to make up for the lost time when we have been all too silent on behalf of the unborn child’, said the LCF.

In October 1967 the Abortion Act received royal assent and abortion was legalised in Britain. Since then 6.7 million abortions have taken place in this country, and 465 more are taking place every day.

ET staff writer
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