
Light of Hope Mission, India

Light of Hope Mission, India
ET staff writer
ET staff writer
20 April, 2018 1 min read

It’s a long-established truth: children merit supportive care. Jesus valued children, and the Light of Hope Mission — a Siloam Christian Ministries project in India — is doing the same.

One such child is Jennifer, whose father abandoned her and her mother when Jennifer was a baby. Although her mother tried working in domestic labour to earn a meagre income, there was nobody to care for Jennifer. She gladly placed her little daughter in the Light of Hope Mission children’s home.

‘Today Jennifer is an eight-year-old, a very smart student’, says Pappy Daniel, mission director. ‘Last year at vacation Bible School, she accepted Jesus as her Saviour. Often she comes forward at meetings to joyfully testify of God’s help in bringing her to this home’.

‘Shared child sponsorship provides children with nutritional food, medical care clothing and education’, explains Richard Norton, Siloam-Director UK. ‘These practicalities are essential, yet other factors go beyond such basics.

‘Teachers and staff workers live with the children, encouraging them. All are committed to offering youngsters opportunities and spiritual well-being. With supportive care, each orphan and abandoned child experiences the loving hope of Jesus in their daily lives’.

Siloam Christian Ministries is an evangelical society that uses healthcare, relief aid and education as a vehicle for the gospel, with the commission to do the kind of work outlined in Mathew 9:35-38. The name ‘Siloam’ reflects the mission’s beginning of helping blind people in India who suffered with cataracts recover their eyesight.

Siloam helps many independent missionaries who do not attract the same attention as the larger charities. It sponsors more than 40 wide-ranging projects overseas and in Britain. It is affiliated with Childcare Worldwide (CCW) and other established overseas partners.

ET staff writer
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