
Love, Marriage – and Jesus: The Song of Solomon

Love, Marriage – and Jesus: The Song of Solomon
John-William Noble
John-William Noble John-William Noble is Pastor of Grace Baptist Church Aberdeen, director of a Christian publisher called Parrēsia and author of two books.
30 August, 2022 1 min read

Author: Jonathan Bayes
Publisher: Wipf and Stock
132 pages
Purchase from: Amazon (£12.00)

The Song of Solomon is a book about love. It gives us a picture of the beauty of the marriage relationship. It is a book that is seldom taught and applied. Therefore I am very thankful that Dr Bayes has written this theologically rigorous and immensely practical and applicable work.

This book is a biblically grounded call for husbands to ‘fly that banner of love and protection of their wives’. It is a challenge for husbands and wives to cherish one another passionately and joyfully in this lifelong covenant.

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