A Walk with Mr O

Mind your language!

Mind your language!
Stuart Olyott
Stuart Olyott Retired, but active, Stuart Olyott preaches widely in the UK and abroad.
03 March, 2025 3 min read

Mr O, at work recently I’ve had a few opportunities to speak about the Lord, but I’m afraid that I haven’t handled them very well. Have you got any tips?

Don’t beat yourself up. The Lord understands. Most of us don’t do very well at witnessing. But our poor efforts are still the Lord’s way of reaching others. The sowing of a single seed can lead to quite a harvest!

Thank you for that encouragement, Mr O. But I’d still like to do better. Please give me some tips.

There are two things that come to mind. You will have heard the first one before. The second one might be new to you. To be a soul winner you need a life of secret prayer. Pray regularly for all the people you meet regularly – family, friends, neighbours, work colleagues, shop assistants, and so on. Pray that the Lord will make you the unashamed servant of everyone on your path; that he will give you unforced opportunities to witness to them; that you may in each case be able to sow one seed well; and that every conversation will lead someone to have a higher view of the Lord Jesus Christ than they had before.

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