Church news

Minister’s Relief Society asks for more people to join its committee

Minister’s Relief Society asks for more people to join its committee
The Ministers’ Relief Society was founded in 1872
Phillip Firmin
23 July, 2022 1 min read

The Ministers’ Relief Society was founded in 1872 to provide financial support to gospel ministers and their dependants.

Unlike today, there was no social welfare system available, so for anyone in poverty, life was tough, including those in Christian ministry serving self-supporting churches.

People donated funds to the Society, which distributed grants to men who were facing times of difficulty.

It has been difficult to unearth much of what has happened in the Society’s history, but there have been several unsung heroes of the faith serving the Lord in this important work, which is still needed.

Today the Society is facing various challenges. There are a number of retirements pending, and the committee is in need of more members. If anyone feels called to help, then please contact our secretary via

The Society appreciates the donations and bequests received for this vital work, and continues to provide grants to needy ministers and their dependants.

Members of the Society receive a newsletter informing them in greater detail about the present work, while maintaining the anonymity of those who submit testimonies.

Ministers now supported are predominantly nationals of other countries, since there are other charitable organisations which provide assistance to men serving in the UK.

Currently, changes are ongoing to make the Society more visible in this digital age. A logo has been adopted, a website will soon be available (, and work is being carried out to establish improved ways of working, including secure online banking.

By Phillip Firmin

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