08 (August 2013)

Mission Strategies Then & Now

Mission Strategies Then & Now
Jon le M. Trac
31 July, 2013 2 min read

Mission strategies then and now: An introduction to biblical missiology

Robin Daniel

Tamarisk Publications, 218 pages, £11.00, ISBN: 978-0-9538565-6-5

Star Rating : 4

The author asks whether or not early church mission strategy would work today. He notes the similarities between the culture of the Roman Empire and our global culture today, mentioning such things as a common language, the relative ease of travel and many towns and cities with inhabitants from diverse parts of the world.

Mr Daniels reviews the teaching and example of Jesus and Paul concerning mission strategy. He deals with such issues as the use of technology in mission. Its use is something he is comfortable with, but not without some serious reservation (noting the poor example of many TV evangelists).

He makes the point well: ‘a spiritual man is worth far more than a technological man. A Christian whose heart is filled with the Spirit will achieve far more for eternity than one whose pockets are filled with electronic gadgets’. No doubt there is room for a man whose heart is filled with the Spirit and his pocket full of electronic gadgets!

Another issue explored is holistic mission (the gospel plus education, health care, etc.) His view is that, generally, gospel ministry should have priority and the ‘pluses’ should follow on later.

Robin Daniel writes from the perspective of the Open Brethren. What he says flows from a healthy use of Scripture. His policy on faith and finance is in the tradition of men like George Muller and Hudson Taylor, men who allegedly did not appeal for funds, but rather through prayer saw the Lord provide all their needs.

Having said this, the author sees the usefulness of folks involved in mission funding themselves through ‘tent making’ ministries, as did the apostle Paul.

However, this is no rant regarding Brethren church and mission policy. Neither is the author someone whose views are blinkered or merely theoretical. Mr Daniel had 30 years experience serving the Lord in North Africa. Three pages of suggested further reading show his familiarity with contemporary mission and cultural studies.

This is a book that all Christians could read and benefit from, with its use of the New Testament and its exploration of various relevant mission issues from a biblical perspective.

Jon Le M. Trac


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