Missionary Spotlight – Meeting the needs

Missionary Spotlight – Meeting the needs
Meeting the needs
01 August, 2002 2 min read

Edited from a personal letter (with permission)

Greetings in the victorious name of Christ our risen Lord!

I have been pastoring a small independent reformed church in Zimbabwe called the Reason of Hope Ministries for the past seven years.

Our church holds to the Helvitic, Heidelberg, Belgic and Westminster confessions. A major part of my ministry has been to produce literature that teaches these Reformed truths to our local congregation.

I have written two commentaries (on Acts and John’s Gospel) in an attempt to meet the vast needs for Bible teaching. These commentaries are available in a small, cheap, booklet format in both English and Shona, and have had a wide distribution in Zimbabwe.

High cost

The major problem with literature work here is that the high cost of most books, including imported ones, places them beyond the reach of most people.

I have written another series of books, which lays out basic teachings for new believers, called Faith and Reason. This series is still being completed. However, sections of it are circulating in cheap format (in English and Shona).

I also write an ‘issues’ paper, which comes out most months. This tries to show the application of the Christian faith to many of life’s issues.

We are presently setting up a home school resource centre, where home school families can access reference materials as well as good literature.


In co-operation with Whitefield Theological Seminary in USA we are setting up a centre for theological training to certificate and degree levels for people in Zimbabwe (teaching will, for the most part, be by correspondence courses).

The current political situation obviously contributes to the difficulties, but we press on, trusting in the Lord’s perfect plan and looking to his light and truth to bless and deliver us.

I have been married nearly 17 years and have three children, whom we home-school. Both my wife and I were born in Zimbabwe.

I began my theological training in South Africa, at the Bible Institute of South Africa and at George Whitefield College (they were closely aligned in those days, but are separate now).

I then got my Masters and Doctorate degrees from Whitefield Theological Seminary in Florida, USA (by correspondence).

I hope this helps to introduce who I am a little and I look forward to hearing from you.

A fellow servant in Christ’s Kingdom …

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