A Hungarian Reformed Church was established in St Dunstan’s Road, London, about 50 years ago. It flourished for a number of years but most of the original believers passed away, leaving only a handful of elderly people supporting the church.
God gives his people a missionary task to fulfil, but mission seemed almost beyond this congregation’s natural abilities at that time.
In the providence of God, I began working as assistant pastor there last October. There were about 5 students attending as a result of the ministry of the then pastor, Laszlo Korda, and I felt the call of God to work with them.
We soon realised that there are thousands of other Hungarian students living in London with no one bringing the gospel to them. So seeing the great need, our church started a special outreach amongst these students. Since then, God has encouraged us in many ways.
We were able to take a group to Bala in Wales in March 2001. We stayed at the Evangelical Christian Centre and were shown much love, patience and hospitality. The purpose of the trip was to evangelise the students, the probable future intellectuals of Hungary.

We took 56 young people in all, including 5 theological students from LTS and an elder of our church. Our aim was to engage in personal evangelism on a one-to-one basis. Each of us worked with ten people, helped by the other believers.
A visiting preacher at the centre preached a good evangelistic sermon, and many were moved by it. After the Welsh trip three young people professed faith in Christ. Two were baptised. Please pray for them.
If you throw a stone into a pond you can see the waves rippling out into a large area of water. I believe it can be the same when these young Christians go back to Hungary and spread the gospel to others in schools and universities.
Last October, with just 5 people, it seemed that the future would bring hard work for our church, and it has! But God is so gracious, and we now have about 50 students coming to Sunday services. Almost every Sunday we have between 8 and 10 new people coming in.
Please pray that God will pour out his heavenly blessings upon us and that a spiritual revival may start here.