
Morning Exercises and Evening Exercises

Morning Exercises and Evening Exercises
Jeremy Walker
Jeremy Walker Jeremy is the pastor of Maidenbower Baptist Church in Crawley.
01 September, 2024 1 min read

Authors: William Jay
Publisher: Reformation Heritage Books
656 & 776 pages
Purchase from: Amazon (£24 each)

Most popular devotionals today tend toward shorter meditations, intended to be ‘light bites’. William Jay (1769–1853), who was a Congregationalist minister in Bath, offers more. Jay was renowned for his sermon illustrations, and the same liveliness and clarity makes its way into these pages, with a warm experiential tone. The Morning Exercises are often briefer, perhaps a page or so, whereas the Evening Exercises can stretch across two or three pages. They all require a little more time and effort from the reader – time and effort which will be richly rewarded.

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