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Netherlands: Parliament urges a review of puberty blockers

Netherlands: Parliament urges a review of puberty blockers
Photo by Remy Gieling / Unsplash
ET staff writer
ET staff writer
01 May, 2024 1 min read

The Dutch Parliament has urged its government to research the ‘physical and mental health outcomes’ of gender-confused children who have been given puberty-blocking drugs.

Dutch MPs highlighted that as the ‘number of minors with gender dysphoria is increasing rapidly’, the Netherlands needs to reassess its practice, noting that ‘a number of other European countries, such as Sweden, have become more cautious’ about puberty blockers.

The ‘Dutch Protocol’, which has influenced the UK and other countries in prescribing puberty blockers for gender-confused children, has been criticised for ignoring irreversible damage to bone density.

ET staff writer
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