News – Banner of Truth

Dennis Hill
Dennis Hill Dennis is the minister of Kingston Evangelical Church, Hull.
01 July, 2010 1 min read

Banner of Truth

This spring saw 250-300 ministers and Christian workers gather at the three-day Banner of Truth Leicester Ministers’ conference, at the University of Leicester.

Wyn Hughes, pastor of Heath Evangelical Church in Cardiff, opened the conference with a clear, warm challenge from Romans 1:16. Paul was obsessed with the gospel. Are we?

Liam Goligher, senior minister of Duke Street Church, London, followed Rev. Hughes with the first of three dynamic messages that took us through Revelation 3-4. We saw the sovereignty of God symbolised by heaven’s throne; the victory of the Lion of the tribe of Judah for us; that we might know and worship him.

O. Palmer Robertson, director and principal of African Bible College, Uganda, discussed part of his soon-to-be-published revision of Matthew Henry’s A method for prayer.

His second paper was an inspiring biographical sketch of William Hoppe Murray, a missionary to Malawi from 1894-1937. His third centred round the mystery of the gospel in Ephesians 3:1-13, the mystery that the Gentiles are fellow-heirs with Israel sharing equally in all the messianic promises.

Iain D. Campbell, minister of the Free Church of Scotland at Point in Lewis, brought two compelling and lively messages on the Sabbath. He traced the redemptive plan of God from eternity past to the Lord’s return and our entrance into the eternal Sabbath, using sabbath rest as a key to interpretation.

Bernard Lewis, pastor of Emmanuel EC in Newport, gave a short address, with observations of the UK church scene. Another short address was given by Jonathan Watson, editor of Banner of Truth magazine, focusing on the crucial role of prayer, from the life of John Milne.

There were also missionary reports from Africa, a panel session, and a special Q &A with Mr Robertson and Mr Goligher for men starting in ministry and those under 40.

The conference ended with a moving sermon by Ted Donnelly, pastor of Trinity Reformed Presbyterian Church in Newtownabbey. He spoke from John 21 about our love for the Saviour and his tender mercies towards us.

We left encouraged and grateful for the privilege of serving such a Saviour.

Dennis Hill

Dennis Hill
Dennis is the minister of Kingston Evangelical Church, Hull.
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