News – ‘Christian geeks’

ET staff writer
ET staff writer
01 October, 2009 1 min read

‘Christian geeks’

‘Christian geeks’, whose efforts to ensure church services run smoothly through technology and sound systems, are to have their own awards ceremony.

The 2009 Original Christian Web and New Media Awards is to show appreciation for people who work tirelessly behind the scenes to make sure everything works well, from producing Christian e-newsletters, to recording services and updating web sites each week.

To promote this, has created a promotional video on YouTube featuring the somewhat controversial destruction of familiar items of technology – such as a laptop being kicked and a BlackBerry being chucked in a glass of water.

A spokesperson for said: ‘We in the church sometimes feel frustrated with technology and the geek in our church can be the one to help us out. That is exactly what the awards are about, appreciating those who use technology to share the Christian message’.

No working technology was harmed in the production of the video, has hastened to say. However, some Christians have tweeted and blogged about whether the term ‘geek’ is derogatory or empowering.

The spokesperson said: ‘After talking to many Christians in technology we believe that being called a geek is actually a great compliment. Without geeks, the Christian message would not be able to flourish online and share this across the world, wherever we are in the world’. (More from:

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