News – Church? No thanks!

ET staff writer
ET staff writer
01 July, 2010 1 min read

Church? No thanks!

Men in Britain would rather go to a hospital, library or even follow their partners into a ladies’ clothing shop than go to church, a new survey reveals.

Research conducted for Sorted magazine and Christian Vision for Men said that nearly 60 per cent of 18 to 24-year-old men do not consider themselves Christians – compared with just one in four of those aged 55-64, and one in six of those 65 or older.

Although most men have visited a church within the past two years, mainly for weddings and funerals, it’s not a place in which they feel comfortable.

Two thirds said they felt uncomfortable being in a pew – compared with only one third who said they would feel the same in a ladies’ lingerie department. A massive 67 per cent of men do not feel comfortable singing in church, although 80 per cent sang in the shower.

ET staff writer
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