News – Compulsory gay values

ET staff writer
ET staff writer
01 August, 2008 1 min read

Compulsory gay values

Public bodies like schools, the police, and local councils should be forced by law to promote ‘gay rights’, says Britain’s leading homosexual lobby group, Stonewall. The comments come in anticipation of the Government’s proposals for a vast, over-arching Equality Bill which would bring together numerous statutes designed to outlaw discrimination.

The law currently requires public authorities to promote equality on grounds of disability, gender and race. Stonewall says it has been lobbying for a new ‘Equality Duty’ to apply on grounds of sexual orientation; and that all public bodies should be required to promote equal treatment among service users in the way they already do for disability, race and gender.

The Christian Institute has raised concerns about how the bill would impact religious liberty. Announcing a White Paper on the bill, Women and Equality Minister Harriet Harman hinted that state contracts may only be given to organisations which are in line with its equality agenda.

ET staff writer
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