News – Convert numbers

ET staff writer
ET staff writer
01 July, 2008 1 min read

Convert numbers

Converts from Islam to Christianity are increasingly concerned about recent reports that have cited astounding statistics on conversion, writes Patrick Sookhdeo of Barnabas Fund. It is true – and a matter for thankfulness to God – that more Muslims are now coming to Christ than at any other time in history.

However, they are not converting on the vast scale alleged in some reports. These false reports, often initiated by non-Christians and then circulated by Christians, are a matter of grave concern. This concern is not just for those who love truth and accuracy, but also for many individuals whose lives are endangered by publicity given to exaggerated figures.

Muslims view apostasy from Islam as bringing shame and humiliation on the Muslim community. Alleging large numbers of converts deepens the shame and loss of face.

Many Muslims believe that shame is best removed by the shedding of blood and may set out to kill not only the converts themselves, but those seeking to evangelise Muslims, whether national evangelists or Western missionaries. Some may go even further and seek to restore the honour of Islam by attacking any available target they associate with the ‘Christian’ West.

ET staff writer
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