News – Cromer Convention

Stephen Webster
01 July, 2009 1 min read

Cromer Convention

The sixth convention took place over a sunny Spring Bank Holiday weekend in May. Jon Davies, the pastor of Cromer Baptist Church, led each session welcoming the many visitors who joined the local congregation to hear pastors Achille Blaize (Stratford) and Hugh Collier (Great Ellingham) minister God’s Word.

The meetings started on Saturday evening with Achille Blaize giving a comprehensive exposition of Romans 8:32. He brought out three truths: what God did not do; what God did; and why he did it. He also preached on the Lord’s Day, taking the faith of Rahab (Hebrews 11) as his subject.

Essential elements of faith were opened up clearly, as details of Rahab’s life were analysed from Scripture. These were helpfully considered under three headings – saving faith, living faith and working faith.

On the Monday Hugh Collier ministered powerfully from 2 Samuel 6. He emphasised the holiness of God, and the need for reverence, godly fear, humility and joy.

Not only were we greatly blessed and challenged by God’s Word, but encouraged by those who made a special effort to join with us for the occasion.

Stephen Webster

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