News – Don’t get mad – get your own ad

ET staff writer
ET staff writer
01 March, 2009 1 min read

Don’t get mad – get your own ad

The Trinitarian Bible Society (TBS) has put out a poster campaign on the capital’s buses to rival the British Humanist Association’s ‘There probably is no God’ campaign. The group is displaying the Bible verse ‘The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God’ Psalm 53:1.

The TBS has put Bible verses in public places for many years and supplies churches with texts from the Authorised Version. The society will offer a free Bible to anyone who contacts their office by phone or by email. It is thought the cost of the campaign will exceed £35,000.

Not to be outdone, the Christian Party is also posting its own adverts on city buses. They are preparing for the European Elections in June. Last year, in a joint campaign with the Christian Peoples Alliance, the Christian party came sixth in the Greater London Assembly elections, beating UKIP, the Respect party and a raft of other small parties.

The Rev. George Hargreaves, senior pastor at Hephzibah Christian Centre in Hackney, London, and a founding member of The Christian Party, has paid £15,000 to place adverts on 50 London buses claiming: ‘There definitely is a God: so join the Christian Party and enjoy your life.’

ET staff writer
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