News – EP Romanian pastors’ Conference

ET staff writer
ET staff writer
01 January, 2009 1 min read

EP Romanian pastors’ Conference

In the north-eastern corner of Romania, in the region of Transylvania, you will find the city of Oradea. There too you will find Emanuel University, an openly Christian institution offering students courses in theology, sociology, languages, music, business and management.

Not far away, there is Emanuel kindergarten, high school and church. The church has a regular attendance of 2,500 people. There are around 200 churches in the Oradea association of Baptist churches, as well as Pentecostal, Hungarian and other evangelical churches in the area.

It is unlikely that we will ever fully realise how much persecution God’s people in Romania suffered during oppressive communist rule. But almost 20 years have passed since then; and now we can join them in praising God for much growth and encouragement.

In recent years Evangelical Press, in partnership with Editura Faclia, has regularly held pastors’ conferences on the Emanuel university campus; and over two days last October another was held.

The EP team comprised Philip Eveson, David Magowan, Robert Oliver, John Rubens and David Woollin. The conference theme was ‘The beauty of holiness’, matching the title of EP’s Welwyn Commentary on Leviticus by Philip Eveson, which has just been translated into Romanian.

In three sessions Mr Eveson (Principal Emeritus of London Theological Seminary) helpfully took us through Leviticus. He demonstrated that this part of God’s inspired Word is essential and foundational to our faith. Similarly, David Magowan (pastor of Whitby Evangelical Church) took us into the first chapter of 1 Peter, explaining the distinctive marks of true Christianity – living hope, genuine faith and sincere love.

Robert Oliver gave the closing address, encouraging us from 2 Kings that when God says something will happen, it does.

The team stayed on after the conference and on Sunday preached at eight churches in the area. It was a great challenge and encouragement to spend these days with our brothers and sisters in Christ. It was a privilege to open up God’s Word for them and with them.

ET staff writer
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