News – Evangelical Library reopens

David Cooke
David Cooke David is the pastor at Banbury Evangelical Free Church
01 July, 2010 2 min read

Evangelical Library reopens

The Evangelical Library’s excellent new premises in Bounds Green, London, were opened officially on 17 April. Nearly 100 people gathered to attend the opening, chaired by Pastor Gary Brady.

The proceedings commenced outside in beautiful spring sunshine, where the
library’s new sign was unveiled by Mrs Wendy Sheehan, who declared the library open.
Following this, a service of thanksgiving was held in the library’s upstairs meeting room.

The library’s longest-serving trustee, David Philpott, gave an account of its history, including its origins as the Beddington Free Grace
Library, founded by his grandfather,
Geoffrey Williams (1886-1975).

Mr Philpott spoke of the involvement of Dr Lloyd-Jones leading to its years in central London and the need to find more suitable premises to secure the
library’s future. He paid tribute to two of its trustees, Fred Raynsford and Dr Ian
Densham, whose vision and energy were crucial under God in driving the whole project.

A stimulating address was given by Rev. Robert Strivens, Principal of London Theological Seminary, who based his remarks on 2 Timothy 4:13. He addressed three reasons why we should read other works as well as the Bible.

Universal activity

He said that we should read because we are human – reading is an almost universal activity – and especially because we are Christians. We should read things that edify, educate and encourage us, as well as give enjoyment.

Thirdly, we should read with discernment. We should be disciplined, ask questions and recognise that books are servants, not masters. We should be thoughtful, prayerful and keep a record of our reading.

In addressing these points, Rev. Strivens made various helpful suggestions, such as reading books even if we may not agree with them; and cautioning us against being discouraged if our lives do not seem as exciting as those in Christian biographies.

He concluded with exhortations to keep reading, use the resources of the Evangelical Library, and above all not to neglect the best book – the Bible.

Following the service, refreshments were served, and there was opportunity for visitors to tour the library’s premises, which are a vast improvement on the previous facilities.

Although no longer situated in central London and hence slightly less accessible, the library has been freed from the burden of an old building. The cost of the recently constructed building, together with its shelving and furniture, was financed from the proceeds of the lease of the old premises.

Nevertheless, as Pastor Brady reminded the congregation during the service, the library needs the continuing support of the Lord’s people to meet its operating costs. It is an invaluable resource of Protestant and Reformed literature, with many rare items of historical significance, and is worthy of support (more information:

David Cooke

David Cooke
David is the pastor at Banbury Evangelical Free Church
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