News – Gay vicar voted in

ET staff writer
ET staff writer
01 July, 2009 1 min read

Gay vicar voted in

The Church of Scotland has backed the appointment of divorced father-of-one and openly gay minister, Scott Rennie, to a parish in Aberdeen. The Kirk voted to uphold the appointment by 326 votes to 267, despite strong opposition by evangelicals within the denomination and a petition of 12,000 signatures.

The Kirk has also voted for a two-year freeze on appointing other practising gay ministers until a commission has considered the issues involved. The appointment of Rev. Rennie will not be affected by the two-year freeze.

A joint statement from opposing ministers Rev. David Court and Rev. William Philip said: ‘This is about far more than just sexuality. The very nature of the Christian gospel is at stake’. Activists pushing for approval of homosexual practice within the Church of England said the decision on Rev. Rennie’s appointment would help further their cause.

In a further development, two Church of Scotland ministers may face being disciplined by the Kirk because they have written letters to newspapers about the recent row over homosexuality. Ivor MacDonald and David Randall may be reprimanded for talking about the matter to the press.

In his letter to The Herald, Rev. MacDonald said: ‘The Moderator ruled that I could speak, but that I could not mention homosexuality’. Rev. David Randall of Loudoun Church, Irvine, sent a letter to The Scotsman criticising the General Assembly’s decision over the gay minister.

It will be paradoxical if the only people censured are those who speak out for scriptural truth, while those who promote immorality are vindicated. Many years ago the prophet Isaiah declared: ‘Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter’ (Isaiah 5:20). The words are still pertinent today.

ET staff writer
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