News – Glasgow protest

ET staff writer
ET staff writer
01 November, 2009 1 min read

Glasgow protest

The Southern Presbytery of the Free Presbyterian Church of Scotland has issued a petition against a Culture and Sport Glasgow production that is called ‘Jesus, Queen of Heaven’.Public money is being used by Glasgow City Council to fund the staging of the blasphemous play at the Tron Theatre.

The musical performance is being staged by transsexual Jo Clifford, who is presenting this mixture of the sayings of Jesus as part of sh[OUT] (sic), a contemporary art and human rights event.

However, the Council has not taken into account the human rights of the taxpayer and religious groups – both Christian and Muslim – who find this play grossly blasphemous.

The Southern Presbytery’s letter, which quotes the famous verse from 1 Samuel 2:30, reads: ‘The City Council is guilty of adding insult to injury when it permits public money to be used to facilitate this production.

‘Scotland and Glasgow occupy an honoured place in ecclesiastical history and it is especially repugnant that this play should be staged when the 450th anniversary of the Reformation is approaching.

‘We would respectfully point out that the Council is under the obligation of doing all within its power to support the Christian religion and not to undermine it by condoning and supporting the actions of those who are promoting the unnatural and vile sin of homosexuality.

‘It is a source of grief and outrage to us that the name of our holy, undefiled Lord Jesus, the King and Head of saints and nations, should be associated in any way with this production. We call on the Council to withdraw its support from this God-dishonouring event’. The play is due to be held this month.

ET staff writer
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