News – Grace Baptist women’s conference

Vicki Gardner
01 July, 2009 1 min read

Grace Baptist women’s conference

Over 150 women gathered at Union Chapel in Bethersden, Kent, on Saturday 15 May for the 5th annual Grace Baptist Women’s Association South East Women’s Day Conference. Jane McNabb was the speaker and her subject ‘Daylight at midnight – lessons from Esther’.

In session one, ‘Setting the scene’, Jane helpfully laid out the historical and political context for Esther’s life and experiences. She highlighted how faithfully Esther’s uncle Mordecai had brought Esther up. Esther was able to respond to the frightening and alien world she had to enter at King Xerxes’ command with godliness, courage and flexibility.

In session two, ‘Rumours become reality’, Jane demonstrated how although God is not mentioned by name in the book of Esther, he was nevertheless very present and fulfilling his purposes through Esther and Mordecai. What an encouragement to know that no one and nothing can thwart God’s purposes! We were challenged to be as brave and bold as Esther and to speak out for God.

The final session, ‘For such a time as this’, reminded us how important prayer is for the Christian. God did so much more than Esther or Mordecai could have dreamt of; and he is the same God today, who loves to answer the prayers of his people, often in unexpected ways. God’s people need to cling to his promises, especially in difficult times when it is not clear what the Lord is doing.

Vicki Gardner

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