News – Greenland’s warmer past

ET staff writer
ET staff writer
01 September, 2007 1 min read

Ice cores taken from southern central Greenland and the summit of Greenland’s ice sheet have produced sediments suggesting that the island was indeed once green.

DNA from organic fragments has been used to identify what plants and animals lived there in the past. The results, reported by the BBC, showed ‘that the area was populated by diverse forests made up of alders, spruce, pine and members of the yew family. Living in the trees and on the forest floor was a wide variety of insect life, including beetle, flies, butterflies and moths’. The regions where the cores were taken from are now covered with 2km of ice.

Commenting on the reports in Evidence News, Creation Research says, ‘A change from a temperate forest alive with butterflies and beetles to a 2km thick layer of ice is quite a substantial alteration or climate change. The discovery fits with other evidence – e.g. dinosaur fossils, coal and red soil in Antarctica – that today’s polar regions once had a much milder climate.

‘It also fits with the oral history of the Vikings who explored the North Atlantic and reported they settled in Greenland because it was green. Most of all, it fits with biblical history, which tells us the world started out “very good” but suffered a significant catastrophe when God sent the worldwide flood in Noah’s time.

‘At the end of the flood, God told Noah hot and cold, summer and winter, seedtime and harvest would continue to the end of the world’.

ET staff writer
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