News – Halifax

ET staff writer
ET staff writer
01 January, 2011 1 min read


The Grace Baptist Church at Norton Tower, Halifax, is giving thanks to God for his continued guiding through recent years, especially now for a stronger leadership team. The church welcomed Luke Jenner as co-pastor, alongside Peter Stead, on 16 October.

Numerous churches were represented during a service at a local school, as nearly 200 people joined in praise and as Mr Jenner and the church membership committed themselves to one another in the Lord’s work.

At the start of the service, we were reminded of Psalm 115: ‘Not to us, O Lord, not to us, but to your name be the glory, because of your love and faithfulness’. During the service, which was led by Rev. Stead, David Bownas (Halifax) gave an account of how the Lord led the church to call Luke.

Mr Jenner was three years at Welwyn Evangelical Church, working as assistant pastor to Rev. Mostyn Roberts. We were pleased to have Mr Roberts take part in the service.

Luke gave a personal, scriptural and humble account of his call. He remarked on those whom God has used to bring this about – his home, church leaders and Newtown Evangelical Church, Chesham, where he grew up. His time at London Theological Seminary was a great influence on him, and he had learned so much during his three years at Welwyn, but knew it was right to come to Halifax.

After this, there followed the formal commissioning and laying on of hands; Martin Howell, Halifax elder, led in prayer. Daniel Grimwade, co-pastor at Dewsbury Evangelical Church, ministered God’s Word from Acts 2:42-47, describing a healthy church by way of three questions. These were, first, ‘Who are they?’ They are a converted people, now the children of God.

Second, ‘What did they do?’ Quoting John Stott, they were learning and loving each other and God. Third, ‘Why did they do it?’ They had a Lord to praise! They had seen the beauty of the Lord Jesus Christ and knew his amazing love.

Mr Jenner was charged to shepherd the flock, lead and direct them to the beauty of Christ, and have a people learning, loving and engaging with God.

ET staff writer
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