News – Ingleton Evangelical Church

Jean Richardson
01 November, 2010 1 min read

Ingleton Evangelical Church

More than 200 people gathered together on a beautiful sunny Saturday, 4 September, at the ordination and induction of James Day into the pastorate of Ingleton Evangelical Church.

John Mollitt has served the church for 30 years and, prior to his retirement, the church began seeking the Lord about the new pastor.

Mr Day had preached at Ingleton on a few occasions and enjoyed the fellowship and friendships he began to make. He then felt the Lord calling him to study full time at Bible school and he began training at WEST in 2007. While Mr Day completed his studies, the church was unanimous in the decision to call him to fill the position of pastor, and he accepted this call.

The induction service was led by the elders, John Ellershaw and Stephen Tyrer. John Mollitt and Gary Rowcroft also took part in the service. The guest speaker was Peter Milsom, chairman of WEST, who spoke from Acts 20, giving a challenging message to pastor and people.

We were greatly encouraged by the attendance of family and friends from churches local and much further afield, and we thank God for their prayers and support.

The church also welcomed Mr Day’s fiancée, Louise-Joy. All the members of Ingleton are excited at the beginning of this new chapter in the life of the church, and look to the Lord for his leading and blessing.

Jean Richardson

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