News – It’s my party

ET staff writer
ET staff writer
01 August, 2008 1 min read

It’s my party

When an eight-year-old boy in Sweden failed to invite two of his classmates to a birthday party, his school accused him of breaching their human rights, seized the invitations and reported him to the Swedish Parliament.

The school, in Lund, southern Sweden, argues that if invitations are handed out on school premises then everyone must receive one.

However, the boy’s father has lodged a counter-complaint against the school for confiscating the other children’s invitations. He says the two children were left out because one did not invite his son to his own party and he had fallen out with the other one.

‘My son has taken it pretty hard’, the boy’s father told a newspaper. ‘No one has the right to confiscate someone’s property in this way; it’s like taking someone’s post’. A verdict on the matter is likely to be reached in September.

ET staff writer
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