News – King James Version

ET staff writer
ET staff writer
01 January, 2011 1 min read

King James Version

Leading British figures have hailed the contribution that the Authorised Version of the Bible has made on our society.

Speaking as the King James Version enters its 400th year – from 1611-2011 – the Mayor of London Boris Johnson said it was one of the ‘greatest pieces of world literature’.

In a video blog for the King James Bible Trust, he said, ‘I would like to congratulate everyone in the King James Bible Trust for the work they do in bringing one of the greatest pieces of world literature to greater public attention, and reminding everyone of the supreme place it enjoys in our history and our culture’.

Author and broadcaster Joan Bakewell called it, ‘A great source of inspiration for us all’, while Frank Field MP, chairman of the trust, said, ‘It shaped our nation and helped shape England in the world’.

The trust website also hosts a video showing how phrases from the KJV have entered the linguistic armoury of people in the UK, with people using phrases such as ‘suffer fools gladly’, ‘signs of the times’, ‘a land flowing with milk and honey’, and ‘a man after his own heart’.

Meanwhile, the Trinitarian Bible Society is hosting a range of special events this year in celebration of the 400th anniversary of the KJV. Two lectures are to be held this January – the first on Saturday 15th, called ‘The Authorised Version: King James and the Hampton Court Conference’. Entrance is by ticket only.

For more information, visit and

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