News – Living Word

Roger Prime Roger was pastor of Beccles Baptist Church but has retired after 23 years.
01 December, 2010 1 min read

Living Word

Lowestoft Living Word was held during the third week in October at London Road Baptist Church, with a total attendance of 1000 over the four days.

Churches from Lowestoft and the surrounding Waveney Valley area were represented. Phil Moon, Vicar of Bishop Hannington Church, Hove, took as his theme for the main meetings each evening, ‘How to live a fruitful life’.

He expounded Jesus’ teaching to his disciples as recorded in John’s Gospel, chapters 15-16. Rev. Moon spoke at two lunchtime sessions and at a meeting for church leaders. There were also exhibitions in the church hall from nineteen different organisations, representing a wide variety of Christian work, undertaken locally and overseas.

Lowestoft Living Word began life as the Lowestoft Convention as a result of the East Anglian Revival of 1921. It was in the spring of that year – when Rev. Douglas Brown from Balham in SE London came to preach at the Old London Road Baptist Church in Lowestoft – that the East Anglian Revival began and many hundreds of people were converted to Christ. This awakening spread to other areas in East Anglia.

Next year will be the 90th anniversary both of the revival and the first convention. The meetings are planned for 17-20 October, when the guest speaker will be Rev. David Smith from Glasgow (more information:

Roger Prime

Roger was pastor of Beccles Baptist Church but has retired after 23 years.
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