News – London Theological Seminary

Stephen Bignall Stephen is Field Director of Australian Indigenous Ministries.
01 August, 2007 1 min read

London Theological Seminary

The ‘end of year service’ at LTS on 9 June was a reverent and moving occasion, with chairman, students, faculty and guest preacher testifying to the grace of God before the large congregation.
The leaving students so urged those present to consider LTS as the right place to be equipped for gospel ministry that guest preacher Iain Murray professed to being tempted to seek admission as a student!
Ten students completed studies this year, three from Korea and one from the Philippines; the six remaining are from the UK and all have been granted pastoral positions within British congregations – a great encouragement.
Principal Philip Eveson gave a robust address on the seminary’s work. He requested prayer for the seminary. The building of a new library complex, with modern IT technology, was announced; funds are available to assist UK students with tuition costs.
Philip Eveson bore testimony to Graham Harrison’s tireless work, who, after 30 years as lecturer in Systematic Theology, is retiring from the post. Many, including the present writer, are deeply indebted to the Lord for his labours. A gift was presented to Mr Harrison.
Iain Murray’s sermon befitted the gathering, preaching on Acts 3:32ff, particularly the words ‘with great power the apostles gave witness to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus and great grace was upon them all’. His exposition was rich, with pithy quotations from the writings of God’s servants in past days and warm application to all present.

Stephen Bignall

Stephen is Field Director of Australian Indigenous Ministries.
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