News – Lowestoft Air Festival witness

ET staff writer
ET staff writer
01 September, 2007 1 min read

Lowestoft Air Festival witness

Over two days at the end of July, about 260,000 people descended on Lowestoft, Suffolk, for the 11th annual Seafront Air Festival – Europe’s largest free air show. For the first time, Oulton Broad Free Presbyterian Church had organised a Good News stand on the promenade.
In all, 3500 copies of an especially themed gospel message were distributed, along with hundreds of Scripture tracts. Nearly 300 children responded to the invitation to take part in a quiz and colouring competition.
Our prayers were answered ‘above all that we had asked or thought’. The position offered by the organisers was close to a main entrance and not overshadowed by other stalls; the atmosphere was friendly with little overt opposition experienced.
Even the less favourable weather on the first day simply drew more people into the tent, where many profitable conversations were had. A gospel rally was held on the Friday evening. We pray that the good seed of the Word sown will bear much fruit for God’s glory.

ET staff writer
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