News – MAF returns to Chad

Emma Stewart
01 July, 2008 1 min read

MAF returns to Chad

Following evacuation this February, Mission Aviation Fellowship’s team has returned to Chad and flying has resumed. After rebel soldiers failed in their attempt to seize the capital N’Djaména, relative peace has now returned to the country.

Jill Vine, wife of MAF pilot Greg, writes, ‘It is unlikely the rebels will be able to return to N’Djaména, as their battle, which lasted for two days, was completely frustrated by the Chadians using military helicopters and blockading the roads with tanks.

‘Nevertheless, the two sides shot up the capital badly and a lot of people died. Miraculously, nobody we know was injured or killed, and none of their families or friends were hurt either. None of the missionary compounds were looted, which was also a definite miracle, as much of the capital was’.

MAF’s operations began with the first flight carrying medical supplies and staff. Bryan Pill flew Dr Ray Brown, two other medical staff and 600kg of supplies to a clinic in Ati, 300 miles north of the capital. Greg Vine returned to collect them a week later.

On another flight, Bryan flew a Christian Blind Mission team to conduct eye work in Moundou in the south. On the return flight, he was able to bring supplies left there by Greg and Jill Vine during the fighting.

Emma Stewart

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