News – Mayor makes a stand

ET staff writer
ET staff writer
01 October, 2009 1 min read

Mayor makes a stand

A no-nonsense Yorkshire mayor has made an unusual stand against political correctness and attracted flak from the gay lobby.

The new mayor of Doncaster, Peter Davies, has withheld local funding for 2009’s Gay Pride celebrations, stating: ‘I’m not a homophobe but I don’t see why council taxpayers should pay to celebrate anyone’s sexuality’.

In what many media pundits are seeing as the pendulum swinging back towards common sense, Davies, who is only the second mayor of Doncaster to be elected on a public vote, has pledged to ‘stamp out political correctness’ across local government.

He will use the group Campaign Against Political Correctness (CAPC) to help him in this endeavour which, he said, was driven by a CAPC survey claiming that 80 per cent of the population was fed up with PC Britain.

Davies also slashed his salary from £73,000 to £30,000 and sacked 42 ‘unnecessary’ town councillors, saving the town £800,000 a year.

ET staff writer
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