News – Mission Africa

ET staff writer
ET staff writer
01 August, 2010 1 min read

Mission Africa

Rev. Dr Sid and Jean Garland had a warm welcome-home service at Stranmillis Evangelical Presbyterian Church after 23 years of service with Mission Africa in Nigeria.

Dr Garland, who was also attending the Mission Africa Spring Conference at Belfast Bible College, aims to continue working with Africa Christian Textbooks (ACTS).

In his latest prayer letter, he writes: ‘For several years we have been asking for prayer regarding a distribution depot in city centre Lagos with its 16 million people and 10,000 new people every week.

‘We have finally now been able to rent a suitable site in Ikeja, the bustling commercial heart of Lagos. We plan to operate this depot in co-operation with our long-term partners, Revival Movement Association. We will also continue with our branch at West Africa Theological Seminary. Pray for our staff, and the recruitment of new staff, as we take this big step forward’.

He asked for continued prayer for Jos as, although the curfew there has been lifted, there are still reprisal attacks from Muslims.

ET staff writer
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