News – Movers and shakers

ET staff writer
ET staff writer
01 January, 2010 1 min read

Movers and shakers

World Vision UK has appointed Justin Byworth as its new chief executive officer (CEO). After acting as CEO for the international aid and advocacy organisation for six months, Mr Byworth was interviewed rigorously before being accepted as permanent CEO. David Saunderson has taken over from Sir Christopher Wates as chairman of the Fresh Expressions board. Fresh Expressions encourages new forms of church in non-traditional environments, such as leisure centres. He is a Trustee of the Besom, Cambridge Theological Federation, and Henry Martyn Trust. He acted as Chair of the Finance Committee for the Soul Survivor Soul in the City 2004 London mission. Rt Rev. James Jones, Bishop of Liverpool, has joined the Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management’s Faiths and Environment Network as an honorary Fellow. The institute has been working with faith groups to provide an ethical and environmental framework to help inspire urgent action on climate change. Anglican evangelical mission agency CPAS has a new president in Rev. Mike Hill, Bishop of Bristol. He accepted an invitation from the CPAS board of trustees to be president for the next five years. CPAS is also announcing the appointment of three new vice-presidents: Rt Rev. James Newcombe, Bishop of Carlisle; Rt Rev. Graham Cray, Fresh Expressions team leader; and Rt Rev. Peter Broadbent, Bishop of Willesden.

ET staff writer
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