News – New pastors conference

Peter Shirtcliffe
01 February, 2011 1 min read

New pastors conference

It was with some sadness that I left the Bala New Pastors’ Conference knowing it would be my last one as I no longer qualify as a ‘new pastor’.

The initial disappointment of discovering that two of the main speakers were unable to attend because of illness was quickly dispelled, as we sat under the inspiring and challenging ministry of Brian Edwards, Phil Swann and Dafydd Job.

The theme of ‘I walk the line’ was designed to urge us to wholehearted determination to walk an authentic, orthodox path, as we serve our Lord and Master in critical days.

Mr Edwards’ three sessions on Christian leadership were challenging and practical as we looked to Christ as our model and heard the call to radical self-discipline. Mr Swann took us into the early chapters of Revelation, thrilling our hearts with a new, bigger vision of Jesus and urging us to know him better. Mr Job took us through the colourful life of Judah, reminding us that God has not finished with us yet.

The format of the conference, run by the Evangelical Movement of Wales, provides the opportunity to relax and learn together alongside experienced pastors. Fellowship with brothers in the fight is an immense privilege and joy.

The combination of clear Bible teaching, practical seminars and passionate ministry is really helpful. I especially appreciated the times to just relax and talk – as well as take on fellow pastors at table tennis!

I came away encouraged, challenged and refreshed. If you are a new pastor, you would greatly benefit from this conference.

Peter Shirtcliffe

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